Notion – Company Volunteering Event Planning Checklist Template


Use this template to use for planning your next volunteering event.

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Notion – Company Volunteering Event Planning Checklist Template

Use this template to use for planning your next volunteering event.

Why You Need This Template

Organizing a company volunteering event can be a daunting task with numerous elements to consider. This template is designed to streamline the planning process, ensuring you don’t miss any crucial steps while planning your next volunteering event. From pre-planning to post-event stages, it provides a structured approach to organize and execute a successful event.

Template Features

  • Comprehensive Planning: The template covers all stages of event planning, including pre-planning, planning, promotion, implementation, and post-event stages.
  • Detailed Checklist: It offers a detailed checklist for each stage, guiding you through objectives identification, budget allocation, committee assembly, charity selection, participant targeting, and event type decision in the pre-planning stage.
  • Task Allocation & Partnerships: In the planning stage, it assists in task allocation among committee members, partnership confirmation with selected charities, location scouting, permits arrangement, branding design, registration system creation, logistics planning, and communication plan development.
  • Promotion Assistance: The template aids in launching event registration, promotional materials distribution, social media engagement, email campaigns, outreach conduct, local media engagement, and company website updating during the promotion stage.
  • Implementation Guidance: It provides guidance on logistics finalization, event kits preparation, venue setup, transportation coordination, event activities facilitation, participant support, and event documentation during the implementation stage.
  • Post-Event Evaluation: In the post-event stage, it helps in conducting evaluations, feedback compilation and analysis, impact calculation and publicity, thank-you notes distribution, event documentation sharing, and lessons documentation for future events.

Adding Template To Your Account

After purchasing the template from Gumroad, duplicating it to your account is straightforward:

  1. Purchase & Download: Buy the template on Gumroad and download it to your device.
  2. Open in Notion: Open the Notion app on your device and create a new page.
  3. Import: On the new page, click on the “Import” button and select the downloaded template file.
  4. Customize: The template will be added to your Notion account, ready for customization to suit your specific event planning needs.

By following these simple steps, you can have the Company Volunteering Event Planning Checklist Template set up and ready to use in your Notion account in no time. With this template, planning your next company volunteering event will be more organized and efficient, ensuring a successful and impactful event.

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