Notion – Recruitment and Hiring Checklist Template


Use this template to use in your HR Manager role.

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Notion – Recruitment and Hiring Checklist Template

Use this template to use in your HR Manager role.

Why You Need This Template

  • Streamlined Recruitment Process: This template is an essential tool for HR managers and recruitment teams. It guides you through every stage of the hiring process, ensuring a comprehensive and systematic approach.
  • Compliance and Efficiency: Designed to align with company policies and legal requirements, the template helps maintain compliance while optimizing the recruitment workflow.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From preparing for recruitment to post-hire follow-up, this checklist covers all necessary steps, ensuring no critical aspect is overlooked.

Template Features

  • Detailed Stages: The template includes 12 meticulously designed stages, each addressing a specific part of the recruitment process.
  • Customizable and User-Friendly: Easily adaptable to your organization’s specific needs, the template offers a user-friendly interface for efficient management.
  • Efficient Tracking: With features for documenting and tracking each step, the template ensures a transparent and accountable hiring process.

Adding Template To Your Account

  1. Purchase the Template: After buying the template from Gumroad, you will receive a link to access the template.
  2. Duplicate the Template: Upon accessing the template, look for the “Duplicate” button at the top of the template page.
  3. Add to Your Notion Account: Clicking “Duplicate” will prompt you to select the workspace in your Notion account where you want to add the template.
  4. Customization: Once added, you can customize the template according to your organization’s specific recruitment process and policies.

This Recruitment and Hiring Checklist Template is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of your hiring process. From defining job vacancies to onboarding new hires, it ensures a thorough and compliant recruitment journey.

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