Notion – Employee Exit Checklist Template


Use this template to use in your HR Manager role.

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Notion – Employee Exit Checklist Template

Use this template to use in your HR Manager role.

Why You Need This Template

Streamline Your Employee Exit Process: The Employee Exit Checklist Template is an essential tool for any organization, ensuring a smooth and comprehensive exit process for departing employees. This template covers every critical aspect of the exit procedure, from pre-departure preparations to post-departure follow-ups.

  • Pre-Departure Preparation: Organize and manage all necessary steps before an employee’s departure, including notifying relevant departments, reviewing contracts, and scheduling exit interviews.
  • Administrative Tasks: Efficiently handle the collection of company property, update contact information, and ensure the return of loaned items.
  • IT and Security: Securely manage the departing employee’s access to company systems, change passwords, and retrieve company-owned devices.
  • Exit Interview: Conduct thorough exit interviews to gain valuable feedback and insights for future improvements.
  • Benefits and Final Payments: Review and process the employee’s benefits and final payments, ensuring clarity and compliance.
  • Legal and Compliance: Adhere to legal requirements and compliance, providing necessary termination paperwork and reviewing agreements.
  • Communication: Manage internal and external communication regarding the employee’s departure.
  • Employee Feedback and Transition: Facilitate knowledge transfer and maintain open communication lines for any outstanding issues.
  • HR Records and Documentation: Keep accurate and updated HR records and documentation related to the employee’s exit.
  • Post-Departure Follow-Up: Evaluate the effectiveness of the exit process and make continuous improvements.

Template Features

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The template includes detailed sections covering every aspect of the employee exit process, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Customizable: Adapt the checklist to fit your organization’s specific needs and policies.
  • User-Friendly Format: Easy to navigate and use, making the exit process as smooth as possible for HR teams.
  • Secure and Reliable: Ensures that all sensitive information and procedures are handled securely and in compliance with legal standards.

Adding Template To Your Account

Purchasing and Duplicating the Template:

  1. Purchase the Template: Buy the Employee Exit Checklist Template from Gumroad.
  2. Receive a Template Link: After purchase, you will receive a link to access the template.
  3. Duplicate the Template:
    • Open the provided link.
    • At the top of the template page, find and click the “Duplicate” button.
    • This action will prompt you to duplicate the template into your own Notion account.
  4. Customize as Needed: Once duplicated, you can customize the template to suit your organization’s specific requirements and policies.

By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate this comprehensive Employee Exit Checklist Template into your organization’s workflow, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your employee exit process.

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