Notion – New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template


This template is perfect for organising everything for when your new staff member commences work.

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Notion – New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template

This template is perfect for organising everything for when your new staff member commences work. So much effort goes into finding the best candidate that when you actually find them, you sometimes have to scramble to prepare for their arrival. Depending on which team you lead, that onboarding process might look different, causing inconsistent experiences across your company. Our new hire checklist template helps managers standardize and speed up the onboarding process.

  • What is a new hire checklist? A new hire checklist is a helpful list of everything a manager needs to do to prepare for a new hire’s first days or weeks on the team. With a new hire checklist, you can make sure you’re tracking every action item and to-do you need to prepare for your new hire.
  • What is the focus of a new hire checklist? A new hire checklist should include the prep work, announcements, and actionable items managers need to do in order to prepare for their new hire. New hire checklists help standardize the onboarding process across your company, so every manager knows what they need to prepare for their new hire. Start with our new hire checklist template, which includes the basics every manager needs to get started. Then, customize the checklist to include any team-specific meetings, training, or reminders.
  • Why use a new hire checklist? A new hire checklist ensures that every new hire is getting the same onboarding experience, and that managers aren’t missing important steps or paperwork during the hiring process. With a new hire checklist, you can also make tasks feel actionable and ensure all high-priority onboarding tasks are completed on time.
  • What should a new hire packet include? Your new hire packet should include any applicable company-wide documentation, as well as team-specific needs. For example, every new hire should receive all the necessary HR paperwork they need for onboarding. You’ll also likely want to include a first day schedule and details about the technology setup they will be receiving from your company. To help make the new hire packet feel more welcoming, include fun company tips, invitations to team lunches, and little quirks like jokes or stickers.


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’re looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.

After purchase, you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can be added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again


What is a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template?

A New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template is a pre-designed format or checklist used by managers to ensure a smooth onboarding process for new employees in an organization. It provides a structured framework for managers to follow, guiding them through the necessary steps and tasks involved in welcoming and integrating a new employee into the team and the organization.

Here are some common elements you might find in a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template:

1. Preparing for the New Hire:
– Notify the relevant team members and stakeholders about the new hire’s arrival.
– Set up the new hire’s workspace, including computer, phone, and other equipment.
– Prepare necessary documentation and paperwork for the new hire’s employment contract, benefits enrollment, and other administrative tasks.

2. Welcome and Orientation:
– Schedule and conduct a welcome meeting with the new hire, introducing them to the team and providing an overview of the company culture, values, and mission.
– Provide a tour of the office or workplace, showcasing key areas and introducing colleagues.
– Share important information, such as company policies, procedures, and employee handbook.

3. Job-Specific Training and Resources:
– Identify and assign a mentor or buddy to help the new hire navigate their role and the organization.
– Provide access to relevant training materials, manuals, and resources specific to the new hire’s job function.
– Schedule training sessions or on-the-job shadowing opportunities to familiarize the new hire with their responsibilities.

4. IT and Systems Setup:
– Coordinate with the IT department to set up the new hire’s computer, email, network access, and any other necessary systems or software.
– Ensure the new hire has access to the required tools, databases, and platforms needed for their role.

5. Introductions and Relationship Building:
– Facilitate introductions with key team members, colleagues, and stakeholders the new hire will be working with.
– Arrange informal meetings or lunches with team members to foster connections and build relationships.

6. Setting Expectations and Goals:
– Discuss and clarify job expectations, performance standards, and key deliverables with the new hire.
– Establish short-term and long-term goals aligned with the company’s objectives.

7. Onboarding Feedback and Check-Ins:
– Schedule regular check-in meetings with the new hire to address any questions, concerns, or challenges they may have.
– Seek feedback on the onboarding process and make any necessary adjustments to improve the experience for future hires.

The purpose of a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template is to ensure that managers have a comprehensive and systematic approach to welcoming and integrating new employees into the organization. The template serves as a reference tool, helping managers stay organized, communicate essential information, and provide the necessary support for new hires to succeed in their roles.

Please note that the specific elements and design of a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template may vary based on individual preferences, the organization’s onboarding process, and the specific requirements of the role. It is recommended to customize the template based on your specific needs and adjust the sections or prompts as necessary.


How do I create a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template in Notion?

To create a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template in Notion, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Notion and create a new page or open an existing one where you want to create the template.

2. Decide on the structure and layout of your template. Consider the elements you want to include in your New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template, such as preparing for the new hire, welcome and orientation, job-specific training and resources, IT and systems setup, introductions and relationship building, setting expectations and goals, and onboarding feedback and check-ins.

3. Start by adding headings or subheadings for each element. You can use the “/” command in Notion to quickly create different block types, such as headings, subheadings, or bullet points.

4. Under the “Preparing for the New Hire” section, create bullet points or subheadings to outline the tasks involved in preparing for the new hire’s arrival. This can include notifying team members, setting up the workspace, and preparing necessary documentation.

5. Create a section for “Welcome and Orientation” and outline the tasks involved in welcoming and orienting the new hire. This can include scheduling a welcome meeting, providing a tour, and sharing important information about the company culture and policies.

6. Add a section for “Job-Specific Training and Resources” and outline the tasks involved in providing job-specific training and resources for the new hire. This can include assigning a mentor, providing access to training materials, and scheduling training sessions or shadowing opportunities.

7. Create a section for “IT and Systems Setup” and outline the tasks involved in setting up the new hire’s IT and systems access. This can include coordinating with the IT department and ensuring the new hire has the necessary tools and access.

8. Include a section for “Introductions and Relationship Building” and outline the tasks involved in facilitating introductions and building relationships for the new hire. This can include arranging introductions with key team members and scheduling informal meetings or lunches.

9. Create a section for “Setting Expectations and Goals” and outline the tasks involved in discussing job expectations and setting goals for the new hire. This can include clarifying performance standards, deliverables, and aligning goals with company objectives.

10. Add a section for “Onboarding Feedback and Check-Ins” to outline the tasks involved in seeking feedback and conducting check-in meetings with the new hire. This can include scheduling regular check-ins and creating opportunities for the new hire to provide feedback on the onboarding process.

11. Customize and refine the template: Adjust the formatting, colours, or styles to make the template visually appealing and easy to read. You can also add additional sections or customize the template based on your specific needs.

12. Save and reuse: Once you have completed your template, save it for future use. You can duplicate the page to create New Hire (Manager Checklist) templates for different positions or modify the template as needed for various onboarding scenarios.

By following these steps, you can create a New Hire (Manager Checklist) Template in Notion that suits your specific onboarding needs. Remember to customize the template based on your requirements and adjust the structure or sections as necessary.

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