Notion – Project Scope Template


A project scope is an extremely detailed document that outlines the entirety of a project. This project scope statement helps everyone understand what the project includes and what it will not include.

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Notion – Project Scope Template

A project scope is an extremely detailed document that outlines the entirety of a project. This project scope statement helps everyone understand what the project includes and what it will not include.

A project manager is the author of the scope of the project. They are responsible for including all stakeholders in and out of the project team. They’re also responsible for the project plan, getting project sign off, detailing project assumptions, exclusions, and more.


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’ve looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.


After purchase

After purchase you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again


How to Outline a Project Scope in Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

In this article, you’ll learn how to outline a project scope and the benefits of doing so. You will discover some easy ways to get started outlining projects that are within reach on your team. By using an approach called “scope creep” minimization, you will be able to stay organized and effective as you work through the development stages of projects.

Project Scope Definition

Before we dive into the details of what it means to outline a project scope, let’s first define what a project is. In general, a project is defined as a set of activities or tasks that are performed by one or more people over a period of time with the goal of achieving a specific outcome. The term “project” can also refer to a product or service that has been created to meet a particular need. For example, if you were hired to create a new website for a company, then the project would include all of the steps needed to design, develop, test, launch, and maintain the site.

Outlining Projects

Now that we have a basic understanding of what a project entails, let’s take a look at how to outline projects. When creating a project plan, there are two main components: the scope and the schedule. The scope defines the boundaries of the project, while the schedule outlines when each task should be completed.

How to Outline a Project Scope

The scope of a project is typically broken down into three categories: requirements, deliverables, and constraints. Requirements are the things that must be included in order for the project to succeed. Deliverables are the actual products or services that are being produced. Constraints are the limitations placed upon the project. These may include budget, timeline, resources, etc.


The first step in defining project scope is to identify the requirements. This includes identifying who needs to perform the project (the stakeholders), what they want the project to accomplish (the objectives), and why they want it done (the purpose). It is important to understand these elements because they help determine which aspects of the project should be prioritized.


Once you know what the project is supposed to achieve, you can begin to think about the objectives. Objectives are the desired outcomes of the project. They provide direction and focus for the project. If you’re working on a web application, for instance, the objective might be to increase sales revenue by 10 percent.


Finally, once you’ve identified the objectives, you can start thinking about the purpose of the project. Why did the client hire you? What problem does he/she hope to solve? Knowing the answers to these questions helps you decide whether the project is worth pursuing.


Once you’ve outlined the requirements, objectives, and purpose of the project, you can move on to the next phase of the process: determining the deliverables. A deliverable is simply something that is going to be produced during the course of the project. Some examples of deliverables could include a report, a brochure, a video, a logo, a poster, or even a spreadsheet.


After you’ve determined the deliverables, you can now turn your attention to the constraints. Constraints are anything that limits the project from moving forward. Examples of constraints could include budget, deadline, resource availability, or other factors.

When outlining project scope, it’s important to remember that the scope isn’t just limited to the project itself. Oftentimes, projects will involve multiple phases. For example, a website redesign might involve several different stages including planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. In this case, the scope would include all of those phases as well as any additional tasks that need to be performed throughout the life cycle of the project.


Why is a Project Scope Statement Important?

A project scope statement is an essential part of every project. Without one, there’s no way to communicate the goals of the project to everyone involved. When people don’t have a clear understanding of what the project entails, they often get confused and frustrated. As a result, they may not participate fully in the project, which can lead to delays and cost overruns.

In addition, when communicating with clients, it’s important to keep them informed about the status of their project so they feel comfortable continuing to pay for the work. Otherwise, they may cancel the contract before the project is completed.

How Do I Write a Project Scope Statement?

The best way to write a project scope statement is to use a template. There are many templates available online that you can download and customize for your own needs (like the Notion template above). The first step is to identify the project’s objectives, constraints, and deliverables. Then, you should determine how much time you expect each task to take. Finally, you’ll want to add some notes about why you chose the particular approach you did.

How Is a Project Scope Statement Different from other Project Management Documents?

While a project scope statement is similar to a Gantt chart, it has its own unique features. First, a project scope statement doesn’t specify exactly when certain tasks must be completed. Instead, it provides a general timeline for completing the project. Second, a project scope statement focuses on the deliverables rather than the activities required to complete the project. This makes it easier to understand because the focus is on the end product instead of the steps needed to create it. Third, a project scope statement is written in plain English. It’s meant to be understood by anyone who reads it, regardless of whether they’re familiar with software development.


What is scope creep?

Scope creep happens when the scope of a project changes over time. Sometimes, this change is intentional. Other times, it’s unintentional. Either way, it’s something that shouldn’t happen. If it does occur, it can cause problems for both the client and the developer.

For the client, it means that they won’t receive the final product they were expecting. They may also find themselves paying more money than originally agreed upon.

For the developer, it means that they’ll spend extra time working on things that weren’t included in the original scope. This could mean spending hours or days creating documentation that was never requested. Or, it could mean implementing features that aren’t necessary.

How Can You Prevent Scope Creep From Happening?

There are two main ways to prevent scope creep:

  1. Make sure that all stakeholders know what the project will entail. This includes the client, developers, designers, and any other team members who need to see the project plan.
  2. Keep track of everything that’s being added to the project. This helps ensure that nothing gets overlooked.