Notion – Strategic Plan Template

Outline your company’s strategy and mission to align key stakeholders.

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Notion – Strategic Plan Template

Outline your company’s strategy and mission to align key stakeholders.


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’ve looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.


After purchase

After purchase you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again


The benefits of having a strategic plan in your company

Strategic planning is the foundation of every successful organization. It is a process that involves setting goals, objectives and action plans to achieve success. A strategic plan unifies everyone in an organization around common goals and enables them to take consistent actions toward those goals.

A company’s strategy can be described as: “What we want our business to achieve and how we will go about it”. Every business should have a strategy to maximize its potential. The benefits of having a strategic plan in your company structure are:

  1. Aligns team around direction: A strategic plan will ensure that your organization is working toward the same goals, which will align your team around a central purpose and ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page. When each team member is aware of the direction set out by the company, they can execute their tasks effectively and efficiently with a common goal in mind.
  2. Enables focus on delivering results: With your team all working towards one vision, it will be easier to measure the results that are being achieved. Whether you are able to meet your goals or not, the fact that everyone is working together toward a common end will allow you to pinpoint areas for improvement quickly and efficiently. By aligning your team around a core goal, you are ensuring that they are all focused on results.
  3. Identifies opportunities for improvement: A business’s ability to remain competitive depends on its capacity to identify and seize new opportunities. When you work toward a common goal, your team is automatically more open to identifying and capitalizing on new opportunities that may arise.
  4. Promotes overall performance cohesiveness: A strategic plan ensures that everyone in the organization has a clear view of the company’s direction and purpose. It is an effective tool for increasing general cohesion and communication between all employees, which lays the foundation for a business that performs optimally.
  5. Provides valuable tools for managers and executives: A strategic plan provides managers and executives with a framework that they can use to develop their specific goals and action plans. This ensures that all managers and executives are working together toward a common objective.
  6. Enables focus on organizational strengths and weaknesses: A strategic plan provides an opportunity to evaluate your business’s current situation to determine where you need to make improvements. Identifying opportunities for improvement can be difficult without first conducting an in-depth analysis of your business’s current state.
  7. Helps create partnerships with key stakeholders: Having a clear strategy is an effective way to build relationships with any partners you may have, such as investors or business leaders. When your vision is clearly defined, it will be easier for you to communicate that vision to potential partners and inspire them to invest in your company.
  8. Displays transparency throughout the company: With everyone in your organization working together toward a common goal, it will be easier to build trust across the board. Transparency is a pillar of a sound strategic plan, as it ensures that all members of your workforce have access to market information so they can perform their best every day.


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