Airtable – Customer Testimonials Template

Looking for an online Customer Testimonials Template? This digital version of a Customer Testimonials Template is set up in Airtable, ready for you to use. Not an Airtable user yet? Sign up here for free to get started.

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Online Customer Testimonials Template

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Are you looking to ground your next sales pitch or marketing page in positive feedback from actual customers? This customer testimonial template can help you gather all your best client quotes and stories in one place.

An effective testimonial from a real person can make all the difference in landing potential customers, and by storing all your customer reviews in one database, you can make a more informed decision about which ones will best suit your purposes.

With Airtable, you can tag each testimonial with its main themes, what social media site you found it on, and even upload video testimonials as well. Use those tags to filter through all your best customer stories and reviews and build a new homepage focused on exactly the aspects of your brand you want to promote. Or, when you’re on a sales call, pull up testimonial examples that address that potential client’s concerns.

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