Todoist – Project Tracker Template

A central, organized place to keep track of every step in your project.

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When you aim for an ambitious goal, you’ll need more than just a few tasks to plan it out. This project template will give you a central, organized place to keep track of every step along the way. It’s split into five phases, from ideas and preparation, to execution, launch, and follow up.

Some tips for using this template:

To start your project, add as many tasks as you need.
Use sub-tasks to chop big tasks into small ones. For example, split “Write an essay” into “Write first draft”, “Write 2nd draft”, etc.
Schedule them and set priorities so you know what to work on and when.
If you’re working with a team, share your project so you can all look at what needs to be done together.
Link to important files and discuss details in task comments.
