Notion – Business Proposal Writing Checklist Template


Use this template to use for planning your business proposal.

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Notion – Business Proposal Writing Checklist Template

Use this template to use for planning your business proposal.

Why You Need This Template

  • Efficient Planning: With the Business Proposal Writing Checklist Template, you can efficiently plan and organize your business proposal, ensuring you cover all necessary stages from preliminary planning to submission and follow-up.
  • Time-Saving: This template saves you time by providing a structured format, so you don’t have to start from scratch. It guides you through the entire process of proposal writing.
  • Professional Approach: Crafted with attention to detail, this template helps you present a professional and comprehensive proposal, increasing your chances of winning over potential clients or investors.

Template Features

  • Comprehensive Checklist: The template offers a detailed checklist covering 13 crucial stages of business proposal writing, including planning, executive summary, problem statement, proposed solution, market analysis, and more.
  • Clear Guidance: Each stage comes with clear instructions and guidance to help you understand and complete each section effectively.
  • Editable & Customizable: The template is fully editable, allowing you to customize it according to your specific needs and preferences.

Adding Template To Your Account

  1. Purchase the Template: First, purchase the Business Proposal Writing Checklist Template from Gumroad.
  2. Duplicate the Template: After purchase, open the template link. You will find a “Duplicate” button at the top-right corner of the template page.
  3. Sign In or Sign Up: If you are not logged in, Notion will prompt you to sign in or create a new account.
  4. Select Workspace: Once logged in, select the workspace where you want to add the template.
  5. Confirm Duplication: Click on “Duplicate” again to confirm. The template will then be added to your selected Notion workspace, ready for use.
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