Online Templates for Private Investigator

Looking for free Private Investigator templates to use in your day-to-day work? We’ve provided thousands of free & paid templates to big & small businesses looking to streamline their workflow with powerful, custom templates. See some example Investigation templates that we can make below or get in touch with your own template request.

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Private Investigator Templates

Are you in the Private Investigator role and looking for Investigation template examples to download? Whether you’re looking for Google Docs templates, Word templates, Notion templates, Airtable templates or even spreadsheet templates for Investigation, you’re in the right place. We build powerful online templates for Private Investigators like you so you can save time and money each day. If you’re looking for one of the below templates or would like to discuss having a custom set of sample Investigation templates created, get in touch to discuss.

Private Investigator Template Examples

1. Surveillance Report Template:
This template is used to document observations made during surveillance operations. It includes sections to record the date, time, location, and details of the subject’s activities. The layout typically consists of a table with columns for each of these elements, allowing the investigator to easily fill in the information as they conduct their surveillance. Additionally, there may be space for notes, photographs, or any other relevant evidence gathered during the operation.

2. Witness Interview Template:
The witness interview template is utilized to conduct structured interviews with individuals who may have information related to a case. It typically begins with basic details such as the witness’s name, contact information, and relationship to the case. The template then provides a series of questions or prompts to guide the investigator through the interview process. The layout may include space for the witness’s responses, as well as any additional notes or follow-up actions required.

3. Background Check Template:
This template is used to conduct comprehensive background checks on individuals. It typically includes sections to gather personal information, such as full name, date of birth, and social security number. The layout may also include areas to record employment history, educational background, criminal records, and any other relevant details. The investigator can fill in the template by conducting online research, contacting relevant institutions, or accessing public records.

4. Case Summary Template:
The case summary template serves as a concise overview of a particular investigation or case. It includes sections to outline the case background, objectives, key findings, and recommendations. The layout may consist of headings and bullet points to ensure clarity and easy comprehension. This template is particularly useful for providing a quick reference for clients, colleagues, or legal professionals involved in the case.

5. Evidence Log Template:
The evidence log template is used to maintain a detailed record of all evidence collected during an investigation. It typically includes fields to document the date, time, location, description, and chain of custody for each piece of evidence. The layout may resemble a table, allowing the investigator to easily fill in the required information. Additionally, there may be sections to attach photographs, lab reports, or any other supporting documentation.

6. Expense Report Template:
The expense report template is essential for tracking and documenting all expenses incurred during an investigation. It includes sections to record the date, description of the expense, amount spent, and any supporting receipts or invoices. The layout may consist of a table or spreadsheet format, allowing the investigator to categorize expenses and calculate totals easily. This template ensures transparency and accountability in financial matters related to the investigation.

7. Case Progress Report Template:
The case progress report template is used to provide regular updates on the status and progress of an ongoing investigation. It typically includes sections to summarize the current stage of the investigation, actions taken, obstacles encountered, and any significant developments. The layout may consist of headings and subheadings to organize the information effectively. This template serves as a communication tool between the investigator and clients, supervisors, or other stakeholders involved in the case