Notion – Commercial Office Cleaning Checklists Template


Use this template for daily, weekly, monthly office cleaning checklist.

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Notion – Commercial Office Cleaning Checklists Template

Use this template for your daily, weekly, monthly office cleaning checklist.

Why You Need This Template

In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining a clean and organized office space is crucial for promoting productivity and a professional image. The Commercial Office Cleaning Checklists Template is an indispensable tool designed to simplify your daily, weekly, and monthly office cleaning routines. With a comprehensive list of tasks neatly organized and easily accessible, this template ensures that no area of your office is neglected, providing a consistently clean and inviting workspace for both your employees and visitors.

Template Features

  • Daily Cleaning Checklist: Covers essential daily tasks for various office areas including reception, workspaces, break room, restrooms, and common areas.
  • Weekly and Monthly Cleaning Checklists: Provides a detailed guide for deeper cleaning and organization tasks to be performed weekly and monthly.
  • Seasonal Cleaning Checklist: Offers guidelines for periodic deep cleaning and organization of the office space.
  • Special Attention Items: Lists critical safety and maintenance checks to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Easy Duplication: The template can be effortlessly duplicated for daily use, providing a fresh checklist for each day.

Adding Template To Your Account

After purchasing the template from Gumroad, adding it to your Notion account is a straightforward process:

  1. Open the Template: Click on the link provided after purchase to access the template.
  2. Duplicate the Template: On the upper-right corner of the Notion page, you’ll find the “Duplicate” button. Clicking this button will create a copy of the template in your Notion workspace.
  3. Customize as Needed: Once duplicated, the template is fully customizable. You can add, remove, or modify tasks and sections to fit the specific needs and preferences of your office cleaning routine.

With these simple steps, the Commercial Office Cleaning Checklists Template will be ready for use, helping you maintain a pristine and organized office environment efficiently and effectively.

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