Monday – Track inventory levels

Are you setting up Monday templates with formulas for your team? Add this formula in one of our expert-created Monday templates.

See our Monday templates

Monday Formula: Track inventory levels

The formula is:

MINUS(MINUS({Starting Inventory Amount},{Reserved Stock}),{Sold Stock})

↑ Copy and paste into Monday then switch out the bold property name/s in the formula to match the name of the property name/s you’re using.


How to create a date formula in Monday

The steps to creating a date formula in Monday are:

  1. Create a Monday board
  2. Ensure your board is set up in Table view
  3. Add a column by clicking on the + icon to the right of the existing column name
  4. Select Date
  5. You can choose to add an extra date column to set up a formula between the two columns or use a single column
  6. Add another column and scroll down to select Formula
  7. Hover over the column and click +
  8. Add your formula in the box and then click Set Formula


How to edit a date formula in Monday

The steps to editing a date formula in Monday are:

  1. Hover over the column and click +
  2. Add your formula in the box and then click Set Formula