Monday – Calculate billable hours based on hourly rate and time tracked fields (columns)

Are you setting up Monday templates with formulas for your team? Add this formula in one of our expert-created Monday templates.

See our Monday templates

Monday Formula: Calculate billable hours based on an hourly rate and time-tracked fields (columns)

The formula is:

ROUND(MULTIPLY({Billable Time#Hours},{Hourly Rate}),2)

↑ Copy and paste into Monday then switch out the bold property name/s in the formula to match the name of the property name/s you’re using.


How to create a date formula in Monday

The steps to creating a date formula in Monday are:

  1. Create a Monday board
  2. Ensure your board is set up in Table view
  3. Add a column by clicking on the + icon to the right of the existing column name
  4. Select Date
  5. You can choose to add an extra date column to set up a formula between the two columns or use a single column
  6. Add another column and scroll down to select Formula
  7. Hover over the column and click +
  8. Add your formula in the box and then click Set Formula


How to edit a date formula in Monday

The steps to editing a date formula in Monday are:

  1. Hover over the column and click +
  2. Add your formula in the box and then click Set Formula