Process St – Website Proposal Template Checklist Template

Looking for an online Website Proposal Template Checklist Template? This digital version of a Website Proposal Template Checklist Template is set up in Process Street, ready for you to use. Not a Process Street user yet? Sign up for a free trial here to get started.

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Online Website Proposal Template Checklist Template

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A website proposal is a detailed outline for a website project. When done right, sales proposals are incredibly powerful sales tools. They can turn clients that are only partially interested in your services into ones that are convinced nobody else can match your ability to deliver on the job.

They tend to include the website project goals, the specific steps that will be undertaken in the project, anticipated timelines, and estimated costs.

Use this ‘Website Proposal Template’ checklist, alongside the proposal document you are planning to submit, to let your potential client know exactly what outcomes you intend to achieve, how youโ€™re going to achieve them, and how much itโ€™s going to cost them.