Process St – Website Launch Checklist Template

Looking for an online Website Launch Checklist Template? This digital version of a Website Launch Checklist Template is set up in Process Street, ready for you to use. Not a Process Street user yet? Sign up for a free trial here to get started.

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Online Website Launch Checklist Template

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Websites are complex. There are so many things that are easily overlooked, like a broken link or a misspelled word.
And of course, a handful of things could go very, very wrong. Like what if you forget to test an important data capture form and then lose out on generating a bunch of new leads? Or worse, what if you forget to properly set up site redirects, and those valuable search engine visitors get a page not found message?

Instead of worrying about the what ifs, wouldn’t it be much easier to have a comprehensive website checklist to run down before every site launch? One that you could use for enterprise websites, microsites, landing pages, and everything in between?