Process St – Statement of Work (SoW) Process Template

Looking for an online Statement of Work (SoW) Process Template? This digital version of a Statement of Work (SoW) Process Template is set up in Process Street, ready for you to use. Not a Process Street user yet? Sign up for a free trial here to get started.

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Daily Statement of Work (SoW) Process Template

Not a Process Street user yet? Sign up for a free trial here to get started.

80% of organizations spend half their time on rework – FinancesOnline, 94 Essential Project Management Statistics

Why organizations spend so much time on rework? Because projects lack clearly defined objectives and deliverables.

How do organizations develop clear objectives and deliverables, and therefore avoid costly, inefficient re-work?

By creating a detailed Statement of Work (SoW).

A detailed Statement of Work (SoW), when created properly and signed by both parties, can be used as a single source of truth for the whole project team and can be referred back to, over the course of the project.

It should determine what’s in scope and included within the original project cost, and what’s not in scope, and therefore needs to be paid for.

Use this Statement of Work (SoW) process template checklist to create a structured Statement of Work (SoW) which will enable you to define exactly what’s included within a project and what’s not.

Following this Process Street process means:

You won’t have to think about the structure and what should go into the document
You won’t need to worry about missing any key information
You can catch silly mistakes
You can make sure you include the right level of detailed information
Use this Statment of Work process template alongside the document you plan to send to the client.