Notion – Property Inquiries Template


Use this Notion Property Inquiries template, connected to an online form, to have real estate property inquiries auto-updated in Notion.

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Notion – Property Inquiries Template

Want to manage your real estate property inquiries in Notion? Use this Notion Property Inquiries template, connected to an online form, to have real estate property inquiries auto-updated in Notion.


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’ve looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.


After purchase

After purchase you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again


How to handle property inquiries in Notion

It’s one of the most important days in your business life – the day you receive an inquiry for a property you have on sale. You have learned about it by email or phone call, or by looking at your property management system (PMS) in Notion.

You are excited that you’ve received this inquiry!  It is only natural that you want to do everything right to ensure that this inquiry turns into a sale. So, what do you need to do?

First, congratulations for receiving an inquiry for your property!  It is the first step in the journey of selling real estate. The next logical question would be: where should I take it from here?

The best way to manage an inquiry is to follow the following process:

  1. Receive the inquiry by email or phone call.
  2. Verify that an agent has contacted the seller/owner of the property, and discuss how best to proceed. This can be done by calling both parties together, or separately if necessary. You will need both the sellers and the agent to co-operate with you in order for a sale to happen.
  3. Carry out a fact finding session by speaking with the buyer’s agent. Find out what motivated this client, how long they are willing to look, their budget etc. You find this information only by speaking with someone who has knowledge of the client’s motivation and preferences.
  4. Once you have a confirmed buyer, prepare a call report with observations on their intended search criteria and photographs of similar properties that may be suitable for them to look at.
  5. When the buyers group tour has been arranged, assist your seller(s) in preparing the house for the tour. Your role is not only to make sure it looks neat and tidy, but also to inform them of any particular aspects about the property (e.g. unique features).  You want this information to be fresh in their mind when they meet with potential buyers for a walk through on the scheduled group tour
  6. Attend the group tour yourself to provide professional support for your seller(s) and to show that you are actively involved in the sales process. You can also assist their broker with any problems if they arise during the tour.
  7. After the group tour, thank everyone who participated for attending. If no offer has been received yet, there may be many reasons for this. It will be your responsibility to follow up with the agents on the clients who did not make an offer. You must ensure that you know all of their feedback and concerns about the property before you ask them if they are still interested in making an offer.
  8. If multiple offers have been made, you will need to go through these offers and get back to the buyer’s agent with your thoughts. You will also contact both agents and your seller(s) at this point to let them know about the multiple offers and ask for their input on whether they want to accept one of the offers or counter-offer.
  9. Ensure that the final contract (i.e. Contract of Purchase and Sale) and any other pertinent documentation is prepared before the deadline reaches. There may be many small details to attend to such as having a lawyer review the documents, making sure you have all necessary information from the buyer etc.
  10. You then hold possession so that your property can be staged and photographed for marketing purposes.
  11. You follow through with the contract and manage all necessary communications and attend to any required inspections/repairs. This is another point where it will be helpful if you have a team of professionals who you can work with for this purpose (e.g. lawyer, stager, tradesman etc.).
  12. You notify the buyers that possession is ready to transfer and you negotiate all of the details with them (e.g. timing).
  13. You prepare your seller(s) for their next step in moving. There are many options available at this point such as renting a place, staying with family or friends etc.

This process can be adjusted depending on your compensation model and what works best for your team. If you have direct access to the client, for example during a tour, then this may be an efficient way to go about things.