Notion – Weekly Marketing Meeting Template


This template is perfect for planning and running weekly marketing meetings with your team in Notion.

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Notion – Weekly Marketing Meeting Template

This template is perfect for planning and running weekly marketing meetings with your team in Notion. We’re all about celebrating wins, so why not kick off your next meeting by sharing something great? Whether it’s an awesome new product launch, a big PR victory, or just a really successful sales call, make sure everyone knows how much success you’ve had. And if you can’t find any wins, then maybe it’s time to take stock of what’s working and what needs improvement. You’ll also want to set aside time to review goals, KPIs, and metrics that matter. Without them, your plans won’t mean anything.



What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you want to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.

After purchase, you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can be added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account


What is a Weekly Marketing Meeting Template?

A Weekly Marketing Meeting Template is a structured format or guide used to conduct regular meetings within a marketing team or department. It provides a framework for discussing marketing strategies, progress, challenges, and upcoming initiatives. The template helps ensure that the marketing team stays aligned, communicates effectively, and tracks progress towards marketing goals on a weekly basis.

A typical Weekly Marketing Meeting Template includes the following components:

1. Meeting Details: Specify the date, time, and location (if applicable) of the meeting. This ensures that all team members are aware of the meeting logistics and can plan accordingly.

2. Attendees: List the names or roles of the individuals who are expected to attend the meeting. This ensures that the necessary stakeholders and team members are present.

3. Agenda: Provide a clear outline of the topics or agenda items to be discussed during the meeting. The agenda may include sections such as:

  • Previous Meeting Review: Review the action items and decisions made in the previous meeting. Discuss the progress and outcomes of those items.
  • Marketing Performance Metrics: Discuss the key performance metrics and analytics related to ongoing marketing campaigns or initiatives. Review the performance against set goals or benchmarks.
  • Campaign Updates: Provide updates on the status of ongoing marketing campaigns. Discuss the results, challenges faced, and any necessary adjustments or optimizations.
  • Upcoming Initiatives: Discuss upcoming marketing initiatives or campaigns that are in the planning or execution phase. Share details, assign tasks, and ensure alignment among team members.
  • Content Calendar Review: Review the content calendar for the upcoming week or month. Discuss content topics, deadlines, and any necessary revisions.
  • Collaboration and Cross-Functional Updates: Provide an opportunity for team members to share updates, insights, or collaboration opportunities with other departments or stakeholders.
  • Open Discussion and Q&A: Allocate time for open discussion, questions, and clarifications on any marketing-related topics or concerns.

4. Action Items: Assign tasks or action items to team members based on the discussions and decisions made during the meeting. Clearly specify responsibilities, deadlines, and any dependencies.

5. Meeting Notes: Provide space to capture meeting notes, key takeaways, decisions, and any other important information discussed during the meeting. These notes serve as a reference for future discussions and help ensure accountability and follow-up.

By utilizing a Weekly Marketing Meeting Template, marketing teams can conduct regular meetings in a structured and productive manner. The template helps keep meetings focused, promotes collaboration and communication, and ensures that marketing strategies and initiatives are effectively discussed, evaluated, and progressed towards achieving organizational goals.


How do I create a Weekly Marketing Meeting Template in Notion?

To create a Weekly Marketing Meeting Template in Notion, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Notion: Launch the Notion application on your device or access it through your web browser.
  2. Create a New Page: Click on the “+” button or select “New Page” to create a new page for your Weekly Marketing Meeting Template.
  3. Choose a Template: Template Road offers several template options. You can either start with a blank page or use a pre-designed template that suits your needs. To find a suitable template, you can search for keywords like “weekly meeting,” “marketing meeting,” or “meeting agenda” in the Notion template gallery.
  4. Customize the Template: Once you’ve selected a template or started with a blank page, you can customize it to create your Weekly Marketing Meeting Template. Modify the headings, sections, and subheadings to match the components mentioned earlier, such as Meeting Details, Attendees, Agenda, Action Items, and Meeting Notes.
  5. Meeting Details: Add a section where you specify the date, time, and location (if applicable) of the meeting. This ensures that all team members are aware of the meeting logistics and can plan accordingly.
  6. Attendees: Create a section where you list the names or roles of the individuals who are expected to attend the meeting. This ensures that the necessary stakeholders and team members are present.
  7. Agenda: Create subsections or bullet points to outline the topics or agenda items to be discussed during the meeting. Customize the agenda based on your team’s specific needs and include sections such as Previous Meeting Review, Marketing Performance Metrics, Campaign Updates, Upcoming Initiatives, Content Calendar Review, Collaboration and Cross-Functional Updates, and Open Discussion and Q&A.
  8. Action Items: Create a section or table to assign tasks or action items to team members based on the discussions and decisions made during the meeting. Clearly specify responsibilities, deadlines, and any dependencies to ensure accountability and follow-up.
  9. Meeting Notes: Allocate space to capture meeting notes, key takeaways, decisions, and any other important information discussed during the meeting. You can use text blocks, bullet points, or tables to structure the meeting notes and make them easily readable.
  10. Save as a Template: After customizing your Weekly Marketing Meeting Template, save it in Notion. This allows you to reuse it for future meetings by duplicating the template for each week’s meeting.
  11. Duplicate for Each Meeting: When it’s time for a new weekly marketing meeting, duplicate the template and update the necessary details, such as the date, attendees, and agenda items specific to that meeting.

By following these steps, you can create a Weekly Marketing Meeting Template in Notion that suits your team’s specific meeting needs. Notion provides flexibility and customization options, allowing you to tailor the template to your marketing team’s requirements and streamline your weekly meetings for effective communication, collaboration, and progress tracking.

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