Notion – Daily Standup Meeting Template


This template is perfect for organising your team’s daily standup meetings. Daily stand-up meetings (also known as daily scrums) are a great way to get a daily pulse on what teammates are working on and where they’re blocked.

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Notion – Daily Standup Meeting Template

This template is perfect for organising your team’s daily standup meetings. Daily stand-up meetings (also known as daily scrums) are a great way to get a daily pulse on what teammates are working on and where they’re blocked. But day after day, it’s easy to slip into a routine of listing off tasks or forgetting to thoughtfully prepare. Starting with our template gives teams a simple structure to organize their meeting and keep teammates accountable.

The daily stand-up is a short 15-minute morning meeting where you stay standing up. This ensures the meeting stays quick. In this meeting, each person says what they worked on yesterday, what they are working on today, and what they need help with. Sometimes it helps to suggest a certain person who can help and connect with them after the stand-up.

The most important aspect of this meeting is that you get help with any obstacles at the start of the day so that you don’t get stuck when everyone else is in meetings or busy doing their own work. Use this template to hold your team accountable and keep track of the daily work everyone is doing.


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’ve looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.


After purchase

After purchase you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again

Stand-up Meeting Template Download – What’s Included

What did I do yesterday?

First, everyone shares their progress on the team’s weekly goals, focusing on the activities that are relevant to the team as a whole.

What did I do today?

Then, employees give a quick update on the things they plan to accomplish today. Writing these things down in your meeting agenda is a great way to keep everyone accountable.

What obstacles/blockers are impeding my progress?

Finally, everyone can share any impediments that keep them from accomplishing their tasks and ask their teammates for help. This includes any cross-departmental blockers, dependencies, and technical limitations.

We hope that this stand-up meeting template can help you coordinate the team’s daily workload and foster a culture of accountability.


What is a daily stand-up meeting?

The daily stand-up is a short 15-minute morning meeting where you stay standing up. This ensures the meeting stays quick. In this meeting, each person says what they worked on yesterday, what they are working on today, and what they need help with. Sometimes it helps to suggest a certain person who can help and connect with them after the stand-up. The most important aspect of this meeting is that you get help with any obstacles at the start of the day so that you don’t get stuck when everyone else is in meetings or busy doing their own work.


Tips for planning daily standup meetings

  • Set a daily reminder before the meeting. Preparing for standup shouldn’t take long, and thinking through your talking points beforehand makes meetings more effective.
  • Track notes over time. With a record of standup notes, it’s easier to see patterns over time to make improvements for the future and have a record of achievements. Just leave a comment in your standup task.
  • Create actionable follow-ups. By tracking your work in Notion, it’s easy to get more context on blockers, and assign help tasks with stakeholders to get things unblocked and handed off.


Stand-up meeting best practices

  1. Keep it short. In a meeting, 15 minutes is the maximum time allotted for conducting a meeting. In order to keep the meeting focused, set the task and begin wrapping up as soon as possible.
  2. Get down to business. Avoid unnecessary chit chat and dive right into what needs to be discussed at this meeting.
  3. Get sharp. If team members are not well prepared to engage in the meeting, they are most likely to leave the meeting with a “meh” feeling.
  4. Avoid distractions. Do not allow things that are not related to the project to distract them during the meeting. These distractions may cause them to lose focus on what is being discussed at hand, which is obviously a bad thing.
  5. Be strict about time management. No one enjoys meetings that run way past the allotted time because it wastes time and makes other things unachievable.
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