Notion – Customer Feedback Template


This template is perfect for organising the outreach, collection and curation of customer feedback in one place.

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Notion – Customer Feedback Template

This template is perfect for organising the outreach, collection and curation of customer feedback in one place. Listening to feedback is one of the most valuable ways you can connect with your customers. But when it comes in across different channels, it can be hard to make sense of it all. Instead, a template can help product and research teams track feedback in one place. When teams can sort it by theme, sentiment, product/feature, priority, etc. they can understand and prioritize what customers want and need most.

Asking for your customers’ opinions shows that their thoughts are important to you. You’re involving them in shaping your product which can lead them to be more attached to your business.

Always start these conversations off with the problem. What problem do they solve for themselves by using this product? Dig deep into the emotional reasons behind the problem. In some cases, it may be the problem that inspired you to create the product in the first place, but other times their answer may surprise you.

Get them talking about what the product is missing. It may solve one aspect of the problem, but is there something else that is still a pain? If they could have a magic wand to create any helpful feature, what would they choose? Next, ask them to share their favourite parts of the product. This will help you understand what features are important to your customers so you can improve them (or at least not remove them).

They may mention any bugs or issues throughout the conversation, but if they haven’t, ask them if they have experienced any issues with the product lately. See if you can get them to show it to you through a screen share so you know exactly what they mean. Commit to look into it for them (and then do!).


What you need before purchase

  • Basic knowledge of how to use Notion
  • Paid Notion account if you’re looking to add lots of content to your template / Notion account (sign up here). Not much content? You’re able to use their free account.

After purchase, you’ll be able to view the template immediately. The template can be added to your Notion account by:

  • Click on the template download link in Gumroad
  • When viewing the Notion template, click on the “Duplicate” link in the top-right of your screen
  • The template will now be available in your own Notion account

For ongoing use, the steps are:

  • Login to Notion and select the template you want to view
  • Click on the Duplicate link in the top-right of your screen to create a copy to use
  • You’ll be able to retain the Notion template and work on the Duplicate (with a new name) and can repeat this process whenever you want to use the template again


What is a Customer Feedback Template?

A Customer Feedback Template is a pre-designed format or layout used to collect and gather feedback from customers regarding their experiences with a product, service, or overall brand. It provides a structured framework for capturing customer opinions, suggestions, and complaints, which can be valuable for improving products, enhancing customer satisfaction, and making informed business decisions.

Here are some common elements you might find in a Customer Feedback Template:

  1. Customer information: This section typically includes fields to capture basic customer information, such as name, contact details, and any other relevant details that help identify the customer.
  2. Feedback category: The template may include a section to categorize the type of feedback, such as product feedback, service feedback, website feedback, or general feedback. This helps classify and organize customer input for further analysis.
  3. Feedback details: Create a section where customers can provide detailed feedback about their experiences. This can include open-ended questions, comment boxes, or specific prompts to guide customers in sharing their opinions, suggestions, or concerns.
  4. Rating or scoring system: The template may provide a rating or scoring system to allow customers to rate their satisfaction or experience. This can be done using numerical scales, such as a rating from 1 to 5 or a Likert scale, or through descriptive ratings, such as “Excellent,” “Good,” “Average,” or “Poor.”
  5. Specific areas of interest: Include sections to gather feedback on specific areas of interest. This can be related to product features, customer service, website usability, pricing, delivery, or any other aspects of the customer experience that are relevant to your business.
  6. Suggestions or improvement ideas: Reserve a section for customers to share suggestions or improvement ideas. This allows them to provide input on how your products or services can be enhanced or what new features they would like to see.
  7. Complaints or issues: Create a section for customers to express any complaints or issues they may have encountered. This helps you identify and address any pain points or areas where customer expectations may not have been met.
  8. Follow-up contact: Add a field for customers to indicate whether they would like to be contacted for further discussion or follow-up regarding their feedback. This demonstrates your commitment to addressing customer concerns and provides an opportunity for personalized engagement.

The purpose of a Customer Feedback Template is to gather structured and actionable feedback from customers. It helps businesses collect valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By using such a template, businesses can demonstrate their attentiveness to customer needs and actively work towards delivering better products and services.


How do I create a Customer Feedback Template in Notion?

To create a Customer Feedback Template in Notion, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Notion and create a new page or open an existing one where you want to create the template.
  2. Decide on the structure and layout of your template. Consider the information you want to include, such as customer information, feedback category, feedback details, rating or scoring system, specific areas of interest, suggestions or improvement ideas, complaints or issues, and follow-up contact.
  3. Start by adding headings or subheadings for each section. You can use the “/” command in Notion to quickly create different block types, such as headings, subheadings, or bullet points.
  4. Fill in the customer information: Create a section to input basic customer information, such as name, contact details, and any other relevant details that help identify the customer.
  5. Define the feedback category: Include a section to categorize the type of feedback, such as product feedback, service feedback, website feedback, or general feedback. This helps classify and organize customer input for further analysis.
  6. Gather feedback details: Add a section where customers can provide detailed feedback about their experiences. This can include open-ended questions, comment boxes, or specific prompts to guide customers in sharing their opinions, suggestions, or concerns.
  7. Provide a rating or scoring system: Create fields or columns to allow customers to rate their satisfaction or experience. This can be done using numerical scales, such as a rating from 1 to 5 or a Likert scale, or through descriptive ratings, such as “Excellent,” “Good,” “Average,” or “Poor.”
  8. Specify specific areas of interest: Include sections to gather feedback on specific areas of interest. This can be related to product features, customer service, website usability, pricing, delivery, or any other aspects of the customer experience that are relevant to your business.
  9. Capture suggestions or improvement ideas: Reserve a section for customers to share suggestions or improvement ideas. This allows them to provide input on how your products or services can be enhanced or what new features they would like to see.
  10. Address complaints or issues: Create a section for customers to express any complaints or issues they may have encountered. This helps you identify and address any pain points or areas where customer expectations may not have been met.
  11. Include follow-up contact option: Add a field for customers to indicate whether they would like to be contacted for further discussion or follow-up regarding their feedback. This demonstrates your commitment to addressing customer concerns and provides an opportunity for personalized engagement.
  12. Customize and refine the template: Adjust the formatting, colours, or styles to make the template visually appealing and easy to read. You can also add additional sections or customize the template based on your specific needs.
  13. Save and reuse: Once you have completed your template, save it for future use. You can duplicate the page to create feedback templates for different customers or modify the template as needed for various feedback collection scenarios.

By following these steps, you can create a Customer Feedback Template in Notion that suits your specific feedback collection needs. Remember to customize the template based on your requirements and adjust the structure or sections as necessary.

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