Airtable – OKR Tracking Template

Looking for an online Airtable OKR Tracking Template? This digital version of an OKR Tracking Template is set up in Airtable, ready for you to use. Not an Airtable user yet? Sign up here for free to get started.

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Online Airtable OKR Tracking Template

Not an Airtable user yet? Sign up here for free to get started.

Taking a cue from Google, and Intel before them, Brian Balfour, former VP of Growth at HubSpot, recommends that growth teams set OKRs—Objectives and Key Results—to track not just company goals, but growth goals as well.

Not familiar with OKRs? It’s simple:

  1. Write down your goal
  2. Set a time period (30-90 days)
  3. Assign three key results, or measurable objectives that you can track

This growth goal-setting template is perfect for startups focused on growing fast, or scaling firms looking to add structure to their marketing organization, and can be used as a dashboard that you can use to keep track of everyone’s OKRs on your team. Studies have shown that committing to a goal upfront can improve employee performance, And by creating a venue for your team to commit to specific objectives and measurable results in public, everyone can see what the team is working on, increasing employee engagement in the process as well.

This flexible, growth-focused OKR tracking template can be used as a dashboard for keeping track of each of your team members’ OKRs, and can be customized to fit whatever process makes sense for you. Use the built-in filtering, grouping and search functionality to quickly see your OKR goals by quarter, or your key results by percent attainment. You can even create different views for each team or individual so everyone can easily zoom in on exactly what matters to them.

How do I build an OKR template using Airtable?

Building an OKR (Objectives and Key Results) template in Airtable involves several steps to create a functional and user-friendly layout. Here’s a guide to help you set up your OKR template:

  1. Create a New Base:
    • Log in to your Airtable account.
    • Start by creating a new base. You can either use a template or start from scratch.
  2. Set Up Tables:
    • Objectives Table:
      • Create a table for your objectives. This is where you’ll list your main goals.
      • Include fields for the objective title, description, owner (person responsible), time frame, and any other relevant details.
    • Key Results Table:
      • Create another table for key results, which are measurable outcomes tied to each objective.
      • Include fields for the key result description, associated objective (linked to the objectives table), status (e.g., not started, in progress, completed), target value, current value, and owner.
  3. Linking Objectives and Key Results:
    • Use Airtable’s linking feature to connect each key result to its corresponding objective. This helps in tracking progress and maintaining organization.
  4. Create Views:
    • Airtable allows you to create different views (like Grid, Calendar, Kanban, etc.) for your tables.
    • Set up views that best suit your team’s needs, like a Kanban view for tracking progress or a Calendar view for deadlines.
  5. Custom Fields for Tracking:
    • Add custom fields if necessary, like percentage complete, notes, or priority levels.
  6. Automations and Integrations:
    • Utilize Airtable’s automation features to set reminders, send updates, or integrate with other tools used by your team.
  7. Sharing and Collaboration:
    • Share your base with team members and set appropriate permissions. Collaborate in real-time for updates and tracking.
  8. Regular Reviews and Updates:
    • Schedule regular check-ins to update key results and evaluate progress towards objectives.
  9. Customize and Iterate:
    • As you use the template, customize it to better fit your team’s workflow. Airtable is flexible, so you can continuously iterate on your template.

Remember, the key to a successful OKR template is not just in its setup but in how it’s used by the team. Regularly reviewing and updating your OKRs is crucial for achieving your objectives.


How do I manage OKRs with my team in Airtable?

Managing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) with your team in Airtable involves several steps to ensure ongoing effectiveness and engagement. Here’s a guide on how to do this:

1. Set Up the Airtable Base

  • Create a New Base: Start by creating a new base specifically for your OKRs. This keeps your objectives and key results organized and easily accessible.
  • Define Tables: Create separate tables for Objectives, Key Results, and perhaps a third for Initiatives or Tasks linked to each Key Result.
  • Customize Fields: For each table, add fields that are relevant. For Objectives, this might include the objective description, owner, time frame, etc. For Key Results, include the key result description, current status, target value, and actual value.

2. Establish Objectives

  • Collaborative Goal Setting: Work with your team to define clear and achievable objectives. These should align with your company’s broader goals.
  • Record Objectives in Airtable: Enter each objective into the Airtable base, along with relevant details like ownership and deadlines.

3. Define Key Results

  • Link to Objectives: For each objective, define 2-5 key results. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Track Progress: Use Airtable’s features to regularly update the progress of each key result. This might involve updating numerical values or changing a status indicator.

4. Regular Review and Update

  • Weekly Check-ins: Schedule regular meetings to review OKR progress. This could be a weekly or bi-weekly team meeting.
  • Update Airtable Real-Time: During these meetings, update your Airtable base in real-time to reflect any changes or progress.
  • Discuss Challenges and Adjustments: Use these meetings to discuss any challenges and make necessary adjustments to your OKRs or key results.

5. Utilize Airtable Features

  • Views: Create different views like Grid View, Kanban View, or Calendar View to visualize the OKRs differently according to your team’s needs.
  • Automations: Set up automations for reminders or to trigger certain actions when key results are updated or objectives are met.
  • Collaboration Tools: Leverage the comment and share features to keep everyone in the loop and facilitate communication.

6. Reflect and Reset

  • End-of-Cycle Reviews: At the end of each OKR cycle, conduct a review meeting to discuss what was achieved, what wasn’t, and why.
  • Learn and Adapt: Use these insights to inform the next set of OKRs, continuously improving the process.

7. Documentation and Training

  • Document Processes: Clearly document your OKR process in Airtable or an accompanying tool to ensure consistency.
  • Train Team Members: Ensure all team members are trained on how to use the Airtable base and understand the OKR process.

Remember, the key to successful OKR management in Airtable is not just in setting up the system but in the ongoing engagement, review, and adaptation based on your team’s experiences and achievements.